Our genesis

The recent statute of United Planet was born only in 2013. In reality, the Humanitarian Organization that has for decades characterized the concrete humanitarian activity of this admirable project was born much earlier. It was born in April 1987, exactly one year after the Chernobyl disaster. Its name then was “Universe Foundation”, and courageous citizens and operators of the Ukrainian Civil Society got together to face and seek solutions to try to limit the damage that the tremendous nuclear disaster had caused to their country, to their people. It wasn’t an easy positional struggle, in those years Ukraine was still part of the former Soviet Union, but all the same, some heroes, first among these Aglaia Kozlovska, managed to convince the Moscow establishment that it was necessary to get out of one’s own country to seek help, and, above all, to remove children from what would become more and more, every day, deadly risks to their health.

They succeeded, the lives saved, today it is impossible to quantify them, but the deaths of diseases caused by radiation continue to exist every day. Cases of neonatal leukemia are still almost uncontrollable, but for all these years, many volunteers have put their lives at risk to save others, especially children. Press campaigns, events, shows and concerts were carried out all over the world to raise public awareness. A lot has been done, but… it’s not enough… and… unfortunately, mail won’t be enough. Honor granted to this people, which still suffers today, and suffers, and therefore honor to an Association (now an International Organization) which was NOT born in 2013, but rather (silently) already on that accursed April 26, 1986. Thanks Aglaia, thanks Ukrainian heroes, and thanks to all the families of the world who hosted and saved thousands and thousands of children.

Articles of Association of



(restated version) Identification code 37013282

Kyiv 2013


International Charitable “United Planet”

STAMP: State registration of constitutional instruments has been performed

Registration date: 21/02/2013 Entry No 107210560003021850
State registrar: /signature/

SEAL: Svyatoshyn district state Administration in Kyiv
State registrar Osypovych Igor Vitaliyovych

APPROVED by the Annual General Meeting of International charitable organization “United Planet” Minutes No 3 of February 20, 2013

Articles of Association of



(restated version) Identification code 37013282

Kyiv 2013

I. General terms

1.1. INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION “UNITED PLANET” (hereinafter “Organization”) is a an international charitable institution which can be participated by citizens and bodies corporate of Ukraine as well as foreign citizens on the basis of  community of interests in pursuance of the goal and objectives as specified herein.
1.2. Organization conducts its business according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On charity and charitable institutions”, other regulations and treaties of Ukraine as consented to be bound by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws of the countries where branches of the Organization are established as well as these Articles.
1.3. The Organization’s activity is carried out on the grounds of legality, transparency, voluntary participation, self-governance, and humanity, community of interests and equality of rights of members.
1.4. Organization carries out its activity in close cooperation with social organizations, foundations and other establishments and institutions, individual and artificial persons both in Ukraine and other states helping the achievement of Organization’s objectives.
1.5. Organization is set up for indefinite duration and is a non-for-profit organization.
1.6. The long form of Organization in Ukrainian is: МІЖНАРОДНА БЛАГОДІЙНА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ «ОБ’ЄДНАНА ПЛАНЕТА»;
The short form of Organization in Ukrainian is: МБО «ОБ’ЄДНАНА ПЛАНЕТА».
The short form of Organization in Russian is МБО «ОБЪЕДИНЕННАЯ ПЛАНЕТА»;
1.6.2. The long form of Organization in English is INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION «UNITED PLANET»;
The short form of Organization in English is ICO «UNITED PLANET»;
1.6.3. The long form of Organization in Italian is ORGANIZZAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DI BENEFICENZA «PIANETA UNITO»;
The short form of Organization in Italian is OIB «PIANETA UNITO».
1.7. The activities of Organization cover the territory of Ukraine, Italy.
1.8. Organization has been created as a charitable foundation with due consideration of features as determined by the Law of Ukraine “On charitable activity and charitable organizations».
1.9. Organization may establish its subsidiaries, affiliates, branches pursuant to applicable laws.
1.9.1. The activity of Organization’s branches shall be governed by these Articles and their own Articles as approved by Organization’s board.
1.9.2. Autonomous subdivisions, affiliates, branches of Organization shall be set up and active under procedure established by applicable laws.
1.10. The seat of Organization is  03194, Kyiv, 19 Koltsova blvd. (“A”), bldg.1.

II. Organization’s legal status

2.1. Organization is an artificial person and acquires this status as of the moment of its incorporation based on the applicable laws of Ukraine.
2.2. Organization has an independent balance sheet, accounts with banking establishments including currency accounts, company seal, letterhead and other stamps, forms, symbols, certificates, other requisites and attributes whose specimen are approved by the Board of Organization. The marks of organization are subject to state registration under procedure as established by the law ofUkraine “On public associations” for registration of symbols of public associations.
2.3. State, its bodies and organizations are not liable for liabilities of organization. Organization is not liable for liabilities of the state.
2.4. Organization is not responsible for obligations of members. Members are not responsible for obligations of Organization.
2.5. Interventions of the public agencies, local governments and their officials into Organization’s activity as well as intervention of the Organization into activity of the public agencies, local governments except for cases contemplated by the laws are prohibited.

III. Goal, objects and directions of activities

3.1. The basic goal of Organization’s activity is to assist in implementation and development of respective programs in the social, humanitarian, cultural, artistic, educational, medical, economic, sports, environmental fields in the course of implementation of initiatives related to conduct of charitable events for improvement of health, financial and spiritual condition of the beneficiaries.
3.2. The objects of Organization’s activity are integrating efforts of interested artificial and individual persons for interaction in provision of philanthropic assistance (welfare and financial) to beneficiaries of philanthropic assistance.
3.3. For performance of its statutory goal Organization shall achieve the following objectives under procedure as established by the laws:
3.3.1. assist in practical implementation of nationwide, regional, local and international programs directed at improvement of condition of beneficiaries of philanthropic aid;
3.3.2. contribute to social rehabilitation of beneficiaries of philanthropic aid;
3.3.3. provide assistance to persons suffering from disasters, environmental, technogenic and other disasters as a result of social conflicts, accidents;
3.3.4. contribute to development of civil society;
3.3.5. take part in development and implementation of programs directed at management and coping with global environmental disasters;
3.3.6. contribute to assistance in employment, education, requalification, welfare and recreation of beneficiaries of philanthropic aid;
3.3.7. provide assistance in improvement of administrative, social, sports, health, residential structures, transport and communication;
3.3.8. take part in arrangement of conditions for satisfaction of housing and environmental needs of beneficiaries of philanthropic aid;
3.3.9. provide assistance in developing publishing and mass media, information infrastructure, publishing of scientific and cultural periodicals;
3.3.10. contribute to establishment and development of relations with enterprises, institutions, establishments, charitable institutions both in and outsideUkraine;
3.3.11. contribute to development and implementation of philanthropic programs, targeted assistance to beneficiaries of philanthropic aid;
3.3.12. provide assistance to boarding schools, homes for elderly, orphanages and people with physical and neurological disorders according to established procedure;
3.3.13. promote construction of health resort establishments, institutions, provision of medical assistance, organization of health resort servicing and recreation of beneficiaries of philanthropic assistance;
3.3.14. participate in organization and conduct of not-for-profit conferences, seminars, meetings, exchanges of information and technologies;
3.3.15. provide assistance in preparing and issuance of television and radio products which meet the objects of organization’s activities;
3.3.16. provide assistance to workers of science, culture, art, cinematography and mass media;
3.3.17. promote protection of parentage and childhood and may provide aid to large families in purchasing passes to health resorts based on nature of their diseases both in Ukraine and abroad in compliance with established procedure;
3.3.18. promote development of natural-reserved fund and nature conservation;
3.3.19. promote conservation of cultural heritage, historical and cultural environment, historical and cultural landmarks, burial places;
3.3.20. may provide assistance to disadvantaged citizens to receive ceremonial services;
3.3.21. participate under the established procedure in buying for beneficiaries of charitable aid of the agricultural products, other foodstuffs as well as manufactured goods;
3.3.22. promote development and fund housing construction programs under procedure as contemplated by the laws;
3.3.23. may send children abroad for health improvement according to applicable laws;
3.3.24. receive humanitarian and/or technical assistance as provided based on terms of international treaties according to the procedure established by the laws and take part in its distribution;
3.3.25 promote creation and implementation of world’s program “Human health”;
3.3.26. take part in holding nominations of accomplishments in the fields of science literature, culture, sports “A man of the year”;
3.3.27. promote unification and reconciliation of nongovernmental organizations of nobility, gentry and other directions concerning further priorities of development of Ukrainian state and its role in world’s community.
3.4. Organization carries out its charity activity in such forms:
3.4.1. repeated financial, material and other assistance;
3.4.2. one-time financial, material and other assistance;
3.4.3. funding of specific target programs  regarding Organization’s objectives;
3.4.4. assistance based on agreements (contracts) for charitable activities;
3.4.5. donation or permission to use freely Organization’s properties;
3.4.6. permission to use its name, emblem, symbols;
3.4.7. provision of direct aid by personal labor, services or transfer of the results of personal creative activity;
3.4.8. undertaking expenses for free, complete or partial maintenance of charity properties;
3.4.9. free transfer into beneficiary’s property of funds, other property as well as free assignment of property rights to beneficiaries;
3.4.10. free transfer to beneficiaries of the right of use and other property rights to assets and property rights;
3.4.11. free transfer to beneficiary of revenues from property and property rights;
3.4.12. free provision of services for performance of works in beneficiary’s favor;
3.4.13. charitable joint activities and implementation of other contracts (agreements) for charitable activities;
3.4.14. public fundraising of charitable donations;
3.4.15. management of charitable endowments;
3.4.16. execution of wills, testamentary refusals and succession agreements for charitable activities;
3.4.17. conduct of charitable auctions, in-kind raffle, contests and other philanthropic events not prohibited by the laws;
3.5. carrying out by Organization of some kinds of charitable activities subject to obligatory certification or licensing is allowed after such certification or licensing has taken place under the procedure as established  by the laws of Ukraine.
3.6. In order to conduct charitable activities the Organization under the established procedure is entitled to:
3.6.1. independently resolve issue on provision of charitable aid to its beneficiaries;
3.6.2 use targeted donations provided by charity providers for implementation of charitable program subject to terms and conditions of such donations;
3.6.3. unite into societies, associations and other unions as created on voluntary basis and promote achievement of statutory objectives;
3.6.4. exchange information and specialists with respective organizations in foreign states;
3.6.5. organize fundraising of charitable donations and contributions from individual and artificial persons, foreign states and international organizations;
3.6.6. on continuing basis define forms, objects, subjects and volumes of charitable aid;
3.6.7. act as a member of other charitable organizations;
3.6.8. have own marks subject to public registration under the procedure as set by the law of Ukraine “On unions of citizens” for registration of marks of unions of citizens;
3.6.9. popularize its name (title), marks.
3.7. For performance of statutory tasks and under procedure as set by laws Organization shall:
3.7.1. finance spending for complete or partial maintenance of charitable properties;
3.7.2. under procedure as established by the laws use engineering facilities of on-air, network and cable TV and radio broadcasting;
3.7.3. promote improvement of material condition of beneficiaries of charitable aid, promote social rehabilitation of the low-income, unemployed, disabled, other persons who require care as well as provide assistance to persons who because of their physical or other disabilities are disadvantaged in the exercise of their rights and lawful interests;
3.7.4. receive information from state run public authorities required for implementation of its goals and objectives;
3.7.5. arrange workshops in furtherance of Organization’s tasks;
3.7.6. advance proposals to state run public authorities;
3.7.7. disseminate information and propagate its ideas and purposes.
3.8. Organization shall assure fulfillment of statutory tasks, free access to their reports, financial statements.
3.9. Founders and employees of Organization are not to receive material benefits and extra-budgetary resources because of their position apart from those as contemplated by the Law of Ukraine “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”.

IV. Charity program of the Organization

4.1. In the course of its activity Organization may adopt charity program as a set of charity events directed at achievement of objectives serving its statutory goals.
4.2. For the purpose of funding charity programs Organization shall use the whole amount of revenues received for financial year from enterprises and organizations and individual persons, except for costs of arrangement and conduct of charitable events and administrative and economic costs related to functioning of Organization. Where ahead-of-schedule programs are implemented the use of funds is made subject to terms as determined by these programs.

V. Members of Organization, their rights and obligations

5.1. Organization may have an indefinite number of members.
5.2. Members of Organization may be citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens, stateless citizens who are 18 years old as well as artificial persons including foreign ones regardless of the form of property who take part in achievement of objectives, recognize and perform requirements of Organization’s Articles.
5.2.1. State run public authorities and local self-governments as well as public and utility companies, establishments, organizations of Ukraine with budgetary financing cannot be the members of the Organization.
5.3. Admission to organization as well as expulsion from members of Organization shall be performed by Organization’s Board by simple majority of votes of total strength of Board’s members attending its meeting subject to submission:
5.3.1. for individual persons – of a written application;
5.3.2. For artificial persons – of a written application and respective decision of the authorized organ of a legal person pursuant to its Articles and subject to:
– acceptance of provisions of constitutional documents of the Organization;
– acceptance of Organization’s goal;
– promotion of Organization’s activity.
5.3.3. Members of Organization being the artificial persons exercise their rights and obligations in the organization by proxy.
5.4. Members of the Organization have a right:
5.4.1. to elect and be elected to management bodies of Organization;
5.4.2. to take part in all measures as conducted by Organization, apply with proposals and applications in respect of its activities to all management bodies of Organization, take part in the meetings of the Organization’s Board in an advisory capacity;
5.4.3. to receive any information on Organization’s activity, directions of use of its property and funds;
5.4.4. to use information services of Organization and receive educational materials and consultations;
5.4.5. to obtain financial support in order to resolve issues related to Organization’s activities;
5.4.6. to requisition calling of a general meeting of the Organization if supported by more than  1/2 of total number of Members;
5.4.7. anytime resign from members of Organization by submitting a written application;
5.4.8.  benefit from Organization’s support at the state run public bodies on the issues of their activities.
5.5. Members of organization shall bind themselves:
5.5.1. to adhere to provisions of these Articles and execute decisions of the management bodies of Organization;
5.5.2. to promote expansion of relations and dissemination of information on organization’s activities;
5.5.3. to personally take active part in Organization’s activities, implementation of its statutory goals and tasks;
5.5.4. to provide information to Organization as required for its business;
5.5.5.   to contribute to operation of management bodies of Organization;
5.5.6. to provide assistance to Organization;
5.5.7. not to perform acts which may damage the activities and interests of Organization.
5.6. Members shall on their own initiative withdraw form Organization on the basis of submitted notice (artificial persons also enclose resolution of the respective relevant management body) to the name of the President of Organization and decision of the Organization’s Board on this issue. The application shall be considered by the Board within one month of its receipt.
5.7. In cases of systematic (more than 2 times) or occasional major violation of these Articles the member of Organization can be excluded based on Board’s decision.
5.8. Resolution on expulsion of the member of Organization can be appealed to General Meeting.
5.9. The letter of resignation from Organization must be submitted for Boards review at least one month before the resignation.

VI. Management bodies of Organization

6.1. The organization’s management bodies are:
–     General Meeting is a supreme management body;
–     Board;
–     Supervisory Board.

VII. General Meeting of Organization

7.1. The supreme management body of Organization is a General Meeting to be convoked by Board as necessary but not less than once per 1 year.
7.2. When appropriate, any time at the request of a majority of Board members, President, Supervisory Board or more than one-half of Organization members the extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened.  In this event the purpose of holding extraordinary meeting must be duly formed and substantiated. Extraordinary meetings can also be convened at any time by resolution of Organization’s Board. The date, place, time of conduct of General Meeting, its agenda shall be communicated to members of organization by phone, fax and other means of communication.
7.3. The date, place, time of General meeting and its agenda shall be communicated to members of organization by the Board at least 20 day by phone, fax or other means of communication.
7.4. General Meeting of Organization shall
7.4.1. approve the Articles of Association of Organization and enter required amendment to it;
7.4.2. adopt charity program of Organization;
7.4.3. approve long-term programs, projects, approve resolutions, applications and other documents of Organization;
7.4.4. exercise a right of ownership to property and funds of Organization;
7.4.5. elect and revoke Board consisting of the President, Vice-president and Board members;
7.4.6. elect Supervisory Board of Organization consisting of the Chairman of Supervisory Board and members of Supervisory board for the term of five years;
7.4.7. hear and approve the reports of Board and Supervisory Board on their activities;
7.4.8. adopt decision on restructuring and winding-up of Organization, appoint the liquidation;
7.4.9. resolve other issues of Organization’s activity.
7.5. Agenda of a General Meeting shall include exclusively the issues previously considered and agreed by Organization’s Board.
7.6. The General Meeting shall be deemed qualified if more than half of Organization’s members are attending personally or by proxy. Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of votes of members or their attorneys attending the General Meeting.
7.7. During voting at General Meeting each member of Organization or its attorney has one vote. On a division of vote the President of Organization has a right of a casting vote.
7.8. Resolutions on approval of Articles, introduction of changes, use of property and funds of Organization, suspension of operations of Organization shall be passed by  3/4 vote of members attending at General Meeting personally or by proxy.

VIII. Board of Organization

8.1. In period between the General Meetings the supreme body of Organization is Board to be elected by General Meeting. The meeting of Board shall be convened by President of Organization. The Board consists of the President of Organization, Vice-President and members of the Board.  The quantitative representation of Board shall be determined by General Meeting. The term of office of the members of Board is five years. The Board of Organization can exclude any member who inflicts material or moral damage to interests of Organization. The decision on this issue shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes of members of Board with further approval at a General Meeting of Organization.
8.1.1. The Board shall resolve all issues of Organization’s activity except for those which pertain to exclusive terms of reference of General Meeting and Supervisory Board.
8.2. Board of Organization shall:
8.2.1. convoke a General Meeting of Organization
8.2.2. ensure implementation of resolutions of General Meeting;
8.2.3. exercise general management of organization’s activity in the period between the General Meetings;
8.2.4. approve specimen of round seal with its name, letterhead and other stamps, forms, symbols, certificates, other requisites and attributes of Organization, their regulations and internal regulations required for Organization’s activity;
8.2.5. consider the procedure of creation, formation and use of Organization’s funds;
8.2.6. consider changes and amendments hereto as well as proposes them to approval by Organization’s General meeting;
8.2.7. adopt decision on creation and terminate activities of organizations, approves their Articles (Regulations);
8.2.8. adopt decision on directions of material and financial assistance on the basis of projects and programs as adopted by General Meeting;
8.2.9. approve manning table of executive body of Organization;
8.2.10. adopt decision on setting-up of separate subdivisions, branches, affiliates and representations of Organization, approve regulations of branches;
8.2.11. at the proposal of the President of Organization shall award the members of Organization for conscientious performance of statutory objectives;
8.2.12. carry out other activities within powers as conferred upon by a General Meeting.
8.3. Board’s meeting shall be qualified if attended by more than one-half of total number of Board’s members. The decisions of the Board shall be passed by majority of attending members of the Board. In case of equal distribution of votes the President shall have a casting vote.
8.4. The Board, as a rule, shall resolve issues at its meetings convened by the President of the Organization when such a need arises, but not less than once per six months.
8.5. Board of Organization may delegate some of its functions to the President of Organization.
8.6. President of the Organization shall:
8.6.1. be in charge of the Board and perform management of Organization;
8.6.2. convene and hold meetings of the Board, determine the procedure of its operation;
8.6.3. coordinate activities of Board’s members and staff members of Organization;
8.6.4. monitor execution of Organization’s Board;
8.6.5. act on behalf of Organization without attorney, represent its interests in relations with public authorities, civil unions, charitable organizations, other artificial and individual persons of Ukraine and other states;
8.6.6. have a right of first signature of financial statements of Organization, resolutions of Board;
8.6.7. represent Organization in Ukraine and other states;
8.6.8. specify wage conditions of Organization’s staff members;
8.6.9. define the procedure for formation and use of Organization’s funds;
8.6.10. approve Organization’s domestic documents,  position descriptions, adopt decisions on imposition of disciplinary sanctions of Organization’s staff members;
8.6.11. adopt decisions on forms and volumes of material and financial assistance based on resolutions and programs as adopted by General Meeting.
8.6.12. issue orders, proxies, give indications and instructions to be executed by staff members and members of Organization;
8.6.13. employ, transfer, dismiss the staff members of Organization, appoint and dismiss heads of structural subdivisions of Organization (enter into labor contracts, issue and cancel powers of attorney etc.);
8.6.14. establish powers of representatives of representations of Organization including those who are active in the territory of other states, issue and cancel powers of attorney to represent interests of organization by them;
8.6.15. open and close accounts with banking and other financial institutions, execute respective agreements with them and conduct financial transactions, have a right of signature to financial statements as the first person;
8.6.16. be responsible for preservation of seals, stamps, symbols and other attributes of Organization;
8.6.17. determine scopes of costs for temporary duty trips of persons sent to perform statutory objectives of the Organization.
8.7. The President of Organization shall be elected by General Meeting for the term of five years. The President of Organization can be voted out of office by resolution of General Meeting if supported by more than 2/3 of total number of members attending personally or by proxy.
8.8. For the time of absence of President of Organization his duties shall be executed by Vice-president of Organization or one of the members of the Board on his behalf.
8.9. Members of the Board shall manage separate lines of Organization’s activity by decision of the President of Organization.
8.10. Staff members of Organization shall be governed in its activity by laws ofUkraine on labor, social welfare and social insurance.

IХ. Organization’s Supervisory Board

9.1. Regulatory and monitoring functions shall be performed by Organization’s Supervisory Board to be elected by General Meeting out of the members of Organization for the term of five years as composed of a Chairman and members of Supervisory Board. Members of Supervisory Board cannot be members of the Board of Organization and vice versa.
9.2. The meetings of Supervisory Board shall be held as necessary but, at least once per year. Meetings shall be convened by Chairman of Supervisory Board or at the initiative if the majority of Supervisory Board. Meeting of the Supervisory Board shall be qualified if attended by majority of members of Supervisory Board. Decisions shall be passed by simple majority of votes with Chairman of the Supervisory Board having casting vote.
9.3. Supervisory Board shall:
9.3.1. monitor the application of Organization’s funds and property;
9.3.2. carry out an audit of financial activities of Organization;
9.3.3. submit its operation statement for approval by General meeting;
9.3.4. consider complaints, letters, applications and proposals of citizens and organizations as received by Organization;
9.3.5. exercise control over implementation of Organization’s charity programs;
9.3.6. resolve other issues of Organization’s activities within additional terms of reference as granted by General meeting.
9.4. Conflicts and disputes which might occur as a result of Organization’s activities shall be resolved by referral to Organization’s Supervisory Board.

Х. Funds and property

10.1. Organization disposes of funds and other property required for performance of statutory objective at its own discretion.
10.2. All revenues to Organization shall be used for the purpose of performance of its statutory objectives based on requirements of applicable legislation and for maintenance of Organization to the extent not exceeding limiting amounts as established by the laws.
10.3. Organization may own movable and immovable property, tangible and non-tangible assets, funds as well as other property lawfully acquired.
10.4. Organization is entitled to transact any business in respect of its owned property and funds which do not contradict its statutory objectives and laws ofUkraine.
10.5. Organization and organizations as created by it shall maintain operative and financial bookkeeping, statistic accounting, register with state tax inspection bodies and make payments to budget under the procedure and in amounts as provided by laws for non-for-profit organizations.
10.6. Organization shall conduct its financial activity according to procedure as contemplated by applicable laws of Ukraine.
10.7. Property of Organization consists of:
10.7.1. contributions of members of Organization and other charity providers;
10.7.2. philanthropic contributions and donations of purposive character (charitable donations) provided by individual and artificial persons in money and in-kind;
10.7.3. receipts from public fundraising for charity, philanthropic programs, charity campaigns for charitable donations, organization of charitable public events, charitable raffles and auctions on sale of property and donations which came from charity providers;
10.7.4. incomes from deposits and securities, receipts from organizations owned by Organization;
10.7.5. voluntary contributions and donations of both domestic and foreign individual and artificial persons, assistance in kind form: real estate  (buildings, premises, structures etc.), equipment, technical and transport facilities, inventories, other sources of forming property and funds as specified by requirements of the law of Ukraine “On charity and charitable institutions”.
10.8. Loans cannot be the source of origin of property and funds of Organization.
10.9. Property and funds of Organization cannot be the subject of pledge.
10.10. For the purpose of provision of its activities Organization may own buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, inventories, property of cultural and educational and health designation, housing fund, moneys (including in foreign currency).
10.11. Board of Organization led by President of Organization shall bear personal responsibility for financial and material condition of Organization and preservation of its property.

ХI. International charity

11.1. Organization is authorized to conduct international charitable activity pursuant to laws of Ukraine and international treaties of Ukraine agreed to be bound by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
11.2. International charity is conducted by Organization by way of participation in international charity projects, taking part in activities of international charitable institutions as well as in the other forms which do not contradict the laws ofUkraine, norms and principles of international law.
11.3. The priority area in Organization’s international charity activity is cooperation with Ukrainian expatriate community.
11.4. The Organization and beneficiaries of charity aid are entitled to receive donations from individual and artificial persons of foreign states.

ХII.  Organization’s financing activity

12.1. Organization at its sole discretion plans its activities and defines development prospects based on approved charity programs.
12.2. The President of Organization has a right of signature of financial statements of the Organization.
12.3. Organization may carry out the desired activity directed at execution of its statutory goals and objectives by creating (incorporating) organizations with rights of artificial persons as guided in its activity by Articles (regulations) subject to approval by Organization’s Board.
12.4. Organization is bound to ensure the implementation of its statutory objectives, free access to its reporting, financial statements. Members and employees at organization have no right to receive material advantages and additional funds due to their position at Organization except for those as listed in the law of Ukraine “On charity and charitable institutions”.
12.5. Organization is independent in adopting financial decisions, determination of paying conditions of staff members, use of its own financial and material resources pursuant to legislative requirements.
12.6. The direct maintenance of Organization cannot exceed 20 percents of its budget estimate in the current year.
12.7. Financial activity of Organization is carried out pursuant to requirements of the laws of Ukraine.

ХIII. Introduction of amendments

13.1. Amendments to Articles of Association of Organization are to be introduced on the resolution of General Meeting where this resolution is voted for by 3/4 of attending members or their attorneys.
13.2. Organization shall within a ten-day period notice the registration authority of the changes to constitutional instruments.

ХIV. Dissolution

14.1. Dissolution of Organization may be be executed by restructuring (merger, takeover, division, transformation) or liquidation. Winding-up is performed under procedure as established by applicable laws of Ukraine.
14.2. Restructuring is performed on resolution of General Meeting if such resolution receives three-fourth of votes of members attending personally or by proxy.
14.3. In case of restructuring all of its rights and obligations are passed to successors.
14.4. Organization cannot be restructured into body corporate with a purpose of receipt of profits.
14.5. Organization is dissolved based on resolution of General Meeting if such a resolution receives votes of three-fourth of total strength of members attending personally or by proxy on the basis of court’s order in cases contemplated by the laws.
14.6. Bodies adopting decision on dissolution of Organization shall create a liquidation commission which following settlement of all demands of creditors decides on property and funds of Organization. Since liquidation commission has been set-up it assumes all powers in Organization’s administration. Liquidation commission shall create a liquidating balance and submit it for approval of General Meeting.
14.7. Funds and property of Organization including, in case of liquidation cannot be redistributed between members and are used for performance of statutory objectives, transferred to other not-profit organization of the respective type or are sent to state revenue.
President of Organization                              /signature/                       A.S.Kozlovska

SEAL:                                                                          Kyiv, Ukraine, International  Organization “UNITED PLANET”
Identification code: 37013262

Total numbered, bound and stitched 12 sheets
President of ICO “United Planet”: Kozlovska A.S.
Kyiv, Ukraine, International charitable
charitable Organization “UNITED PLANET”
Identification code: 37013262

Number of public registration for ICO United Planet

Series AAB:  No 456441



Identification code of a body corporate: 37013282
Seat of a body corporate: 03194, KYIV, 19 KOLTSOV BOULEVARD, A, BUILDING 1

Date and number of record in a Register of Companies:
19/03/2010 No 1 072 102 0000 024850

Surname, name and patronym of persons entitled to perform legal acts on behalf of a body corporate without power of attorney including signing of agreements and restrictions related to representation of a body corporate or individual person:


Surname, name and patronym of persons entitled to perform legal acts on behalf of a body corporate without power of attorney including signing of agreements and restrictions related to representation of a body corporate or individual person:


Date and number of a record of registration, name and identification codes of bodies of statistics, state tax service, Pension fund of Ukraine where body corporate is registered:

23.03.2010, 04-17795, Department of PFU in Svyatoshyn District in Kyiv, 22869431

Data on major type of economic activity:
88.99 provision of other social assistance without housing support, not included in other groups

Pension Fund of Ukraine data on registration number of a single contribution payment:

Grade of occupational hazard of production of a payer of a single contribution by major type of its economic activity:

Date of issue of extract: 27.02.2013

State registrar /signature/


SEAL: Coat of arms of Ukraine

Svyatoshyn district state
Administration in Kyiv
State registrar
Osypovych Igor Vitaliyovych

United Planet Found - ice background

Pushinska – 010049 – Kiev, Ucraina




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